Blog Purpose

The purpose of this blog is to collect documents of JDs (job descriptions) written for digital advertising & marketing function jobs, especially Tech, Internet, IT sectors.

A collection of well-written JDs in different businesses across industries will enable individuals to :
- identify knowledge gaps in the industry and close the gaps.
- understand the requirements of jobs across various industry, especially in identifying prized skills  due to technology advancement.
- help individuals poise themselves in interviews and in planning career direction.
- keep abreast on industry progression and opportunities.

The development of internet and technology has drastically changed recruitment and employability. The vast knowledge available online made learning available to all.

No longer does a person just rely on human connections to be recruited, or stay in a job. The ability to stay relevant and technically savvy, have strong written competency, establish personal connections are all a part of an all important mix to stay competitively employable. The digital realm is a powerful ally, an un-bias one, to showcase our skills talents in front of screens that have potential to reach massive audience.

Why then do we need to stay relevant? It feels like a rat race, or a vast black hole of knowledge that could never be fully comprehensible by a single human.

<The woman who wanted to gain all surpassing knowledge from the Indiana Jones.The alien was putting an enormous amount of knowledge into her head and her brain couldn't take all of it at once and she just got incinerated.>

I feel its not about gaining absolute knowledge but the positivism to continuously learn what you do not know. It is a grilling and humbling experience.

Published 4/15/18

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