In the grim backdrop of COVID-19 since December 2019, controlling the spread of the viral pandemic and lockdowns completely overhauled our habits and how we worked. No one is spared in the sprawling economic effect. Margie, who is the author of 5 best selling books, an advocate for gender equality, women in leadership and women's empowerment, was an invited speaker in our workforce and shared key principles on how to turn around a bad situation into one that you can glean from.
When we are feeling the impact of all that is going on, Be radically disciple in managing ourselves. Our circumstances don't have the power to determine how we are going to show up to the world. We emote before we reason, we cannot control our circumstances and our immediate feelings. We can regulate our emotions.
Extracted from Margie web podcast here :
1) Double down on what strengthens you.
Stand guard against things that fuels anxiety and stress.
Prioritise mentally what is most important to get done. What strengthens you. Feeds my soul.
Guard our time.
Be careful not to let our time to be wasted sucked in.
2) Stand guard on your energy. Positive energy in and positive energy out!
"We are 100% responsible for the energy you put out and the energy we let in" - Oprah
Be careful of where you are putting your energy, It expands.
Setup firm boundaries for yourself
Beware of
"What ifs"
3) Anchor yourself on your core values.
We know who we are, I can control who I am, and who I am being. What others can count on me for.
Who do we want to be? Someone who is lifts other people up. Someone who makes others feel valued and taken care of.
The idea of self-certainly, and you can be that person for yourself!
Other Notes
"What ifs"
3) Anchor yourself on your core values.
We know who we are, I can control who I am, and who I am being. What others can count on me for.
Who do we want to be? Someone who is lifts other people up. Someone who makes others feel valued and taken care of.
The idea of self-certainly, and you can be that person for yourself!
Ellen Lange, a professor of positive psychology and mindfulness at Harvard University;
"There is always a way to turn things into a win."
Other Notes
- We often underestimate our ability to deal with difficult situations challenges. We have a greater capacity for life. Trust more in our innate capacity to deal with life. Choose the path of faith over fear.
- Remember that emotions are contagious. Don't spread your stress!
- Be agile and flexible.
- Denial, resistance, fighting against reality is an energy waster. Letting go of attachment faster allows energy to flow in another direction.
- We only need to deal with one moment at the time.
How do I need to show up today?
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