"It’s very important to me that their personal mission is aligned with KonMari’s—meaning they have a sense of purpose, listen to their heart, and lead a life that sparks joy."
Key takeaways of Identified know hows
Established work ethnics
"87% of people lose their jobs or failed to get promoted were found to have improper work habits and attitudes rather than insufficient skills or knowledge."
- Decide if this matter is important.
- Choose targets of ambition wisely and pursuing them relentlessly.
- Defer gratification
- Not giving up
- Fight procestination
- Firm decision and swift action
- Sheer hardwork, energy and confidence
- Turning up
- Integrity : honesty to self and others. Being trustworthy. Recognize that dishonesty is wrong. Cope with pressure to cut corners.
- Time management : About testing your priorities under pressure. Devising your priorities comes from knowing your destination and understanding your direction.
- Watch out for red flags such as fretting over how much to do, or not done.
Realised Action points
- Break the habit of negative thought and speech.
"Speak not but what may benefit others and for yourself" - Benjamin Franklin
"We are what we constantly do.." - Aristotle
- Practice good note taking
"He listens well who takes notes" Dante
The key to speak effectively, is the critical skill of not being fearful [of crowds]. Keep stock of your behavior under pressure.