Wednesday, April 15, 2020

10 things your employer want you to learn in college

I may be late in the game as I graduated over 10 years ago.  I stumbled on this career guide book published in Year 2002.

"It’s very important to me that their personal mission is aligned with KonMari’s—meaning they have a sense of purpose, listen to their heart, and lead a life that sparks joy."

Key takeaways of Identified know hows 

Established work ethnics
"87% of people lose their jobs or failed to get promoted were found to have improper work habits and attitudes rather than insufficient skills or knowledge." 

  1. Decide if this matter is important.
  2. Choose targets of ambition wisely and pursuing them relentlessly. 
  3. Defer gratification 
  4. Not giving up 
  5. Fight procestination 
  6. Firm decision and swift action
  7. Sheer hardwork, energy and confidence
  8. Turning up
  9. Integrity : honesty to self and others. Being trustworthy. Recognize that dishonesty is wrong. Cope with pressure to cut corners. 
  10. Time management : About testing your priorities under pressure. Devising your priorities comes from knowing your destination and understanding your direction. 
  11. Watch out for red flags such as fretting over how much to do, or not done. 

Realised Action points

  1. Break the habit of negative thought and speech.
"Speak not but what may benefit others and for yourself" - Benjamin Franklin
"We are what we constantly do.." - Aristotle
  1. Practice good note taking 
"He listens well who takes notes" Dante

The key to speak effectively, is the critical skill of not being fearful [of crowds]. Keep stock of your behavior under pressure.